
Airports in Czech republic map

Czechia airports map. Airports in Czech republic map (Eastern Europe - Europe) to print. Airports in Czech republic map (Eastern Europe - Europe) to download. Ruzyně International Airport in Prague is the main international airport in the country. In 2010, it handled 11.6 million passengers, which makes it the busiest airport in Central and Eastern Europe. In total, Czech Republic has 46 airports with paved runways, six of which provide international air services in Brno, Karlovy Vary, Mošnov (near Ostrava), Pardubice, Prague and Kunovice (near Uherské Hradiště) as its shown in the airports in Czech republic map.
In 2006, the Czech Republic had a total 121 airports. 46 of these airports had paved runways while 75 had unpaved runways. The largest and busiest airport in the Czech Republic is Prague Ruzyně Airport, opened in 1937 as its mentioned in the airports in Czech republic map. Other international airports include Brno-Tuřany Airport, Karlovy Vary Airport, Ostrava Leos Janacek Airport, Pardubice Airport, and Kunovice Airport.