
Czech republic roads map

Czechia roads map. Czech republic roads map (Eastern Europe - Europe) to print. Czech republic roads map (Eastern Europe - Europe) to download. The Czech Republic has, in total, 127,810 km (79,420 mi) of roads. It has 90,532 km (56,254 mi) of motorways as its shown in the Czech republic roads map. In the 1980s and 1990s there was a significant increase in passenger transport on the roads in the Czech Republic, which was associated with a sharp increase in the accident rate. In recent years the road accident rate has fallen. Despite this however, the fatality rate per head of population is moderately high, comparable to the United States.
The road network in the Czech Republic is 55,653 km (34,581.17 mi) long and 738,4 km of motorways and 439,1 km of expressways as its mentioned in the Czech republic roads map. The speed limit is 50 km/h within towns, 90 km/h outside of towns and 130 km/h on expressways. The longest road in Czechia was other roads, including roads without a hard surface, with a total length of 74,919 kilometers. Secondary or regional roads had a total length of 48,674 kilometers. However, motorways had the shortest length among the different road types, with 1,252 kilometers in that year.